Monday, March 4, 2013

You Should Know: Web Comics


I am really into web comics! It's something to do to pass the time between writing and gaming. Sometimes I just need a break, and web comics are the perfect way to kick back. So here's a list of some web comics that you should know.

Domics - Domics makes simple and funny comics, and the artist releases animations on youtube. I love the really simple art style, and he's pretty good about making regular updates.

Gamer Cat - A really cute little comic about a cat who plays video games. Cat. Who plays. Video games. Click that link immediately.

The Oatmeal - A rather well known artist, this guy is local. He doesn't update often, but he writes comics when inspiration strikes (and when he's not super busy). Not game related, but still full of awesome.

Least I Could Do - Warning! This comic is mostly crude humor. It's interesting that I have a particular fondness for this comic, considering that I identify myself as a feminist. The humor itself isn't anti-woman, but the main character is a misogynist jerk. But it's in an almost endearing way.

omocat - Cute. Cute cute cute.

Plume - A web comic with a more serious tone. The full color pages are a nice touch, and despite the fact that the story isn't too far along, it draws you in.

Dueling Analogs -  Not a comic itself, but a collection of them. They also include the sources on their site, so it's a great way to discover new artists you hadn't known before.

This is just a few, but it's a pretty worthwhile list. Feel free to check it out!

In other news, I decided on my next livestream game, it's a good one. More news on when it'll be up in my next post.
