Well hello there, beautiful (oh yes, I mean you)!
Welcome to the fun. For those of you who don't know, I'll take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Shaylee, ShayleeSunshine. And you have stumbled into my blog, a glance into my world. Maybe less like a glance, and more like falling head first into a (super nerdy) rabbit hole.
I'll let you know right now, this blog is going to be a little different than what you might be used to. Why? Because I'm a little different than you might be used to.
Some would describe me as a nerd of all trades. Video games, anime, books, Doctor Who, comic books...you name it, I probably have a fandom that falls into that category. A little bit Girly, a little bit Geeky, and very much a Gamer (that sounds familiar!).
So, what's the point of having a blog? Partially to be able to communicate with people who have watched me play games on my Livestream channel. But I want to take it a step beyond let's plays and streaming games. On this blog, you're going to find all kinds of goodies that fall outside of just gaming. Sure, there will be game reviews, editorials about gaming trends and culture, pictures from conventions and talk about up and coming games...but I plan for so much more than just that. I'm going to nerd out about anime, cosplay, comic books. I'm going to bring you girly tutorials geared towards all of the wonderful women of nerd culture. And if you're lucky, original comics penned by yours truly.
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